UPM Blandin Land and Road Closures



Our lands operate as an industrial forest and logging equipment has the right-of-way.  Please exercise caution as heavy equipment can be operating on or near roads and cause temporary road blockages.

March 15 to May 15 closure period may vary each year due to weather.

UPM Blandin foresters are asking the public to refrain from any motorized access to its forest lands until May 15. During spring break up the land and roads are very susceptible to damage.

Motorized access during this closure period could result in a Land-Use Trespass Violation enforced by Minnesota DNR Conservation Officers.

UPM Blandin welcomes pedestrian visitors to its forest lands during the closure period. The entire land-use policy can be viewed here: Important Details Regarding Forest Recreational Guidelines. As a user of Blandin forest land, you are responsible for knowing and understanding the rules.

Thank you for your cooperation and enjoy the land!