Contact us
On this page you can find our sales contacts by country as well as our environmental and media contacts. In other matters, you can contact us by filling in the contact form.
Find your local sales and customer service contact
UPM Communication Papers
Georg-Haindl-Strasse 5
PO Box 101749
D-86007 Augsburg
Tel. +49 821 31090
Fax +49 821 3109-156/157
UPM Communication Papers, Finland
Tel. +358 (0) 204 15 111
UPM Kymmene Oyj
Alvar Aallon katu 1
PO Box 380
Tel. +358 (0) 204 15 111
Fax +358 (0) 204 15 110
UPM Media Desk
UPM Group
Tel.: +358 (0) 40 588 3284
UPM Communication Papers
Klaus Kohler
Tel. +49 821 3109 225
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