Story | 12/19/2023 14:36:46 | 2 min Read time

New electrified long-distance delivery lane: A milestone for sustainable logistics

Since 1 December this year, recovered paper for UPM Schongau and UPM Ettringen is transported from Western Germany over 630 km with zero diesel emission.

The project is part of UPM’s -30by30 program, which aims to reduce the company’s CO2 emissions from fuels and purchased electricity by 30% by the end of 2030.

The delivery lane is a result of a collaboration between UPM RCP Logistics and Spedition Ansorge, a German logistics company. The delivery process involves three steps: first, the pickup of the goods is done with a 100% electrified truck, charged with solar or wind power. The truck transports the trailer emission-free to a railport nearby. From there, the main distance is covered by rail, which is also a low-emission transport method. At the destination railway station in south Germany, the trailer is picked up and delivered to UPM Schongau and UPM Ettringen mills again with a fully electrified truck.

According to Georg Staller, Manager RCP logistics sourcing and development, this is not only a way to save emissions, but also to show UPM's commitment to a future beyond fossils. “This is one small step, but a big milestone on the journey to go beyond fossils”, he says. 


The emission free delivery lane is a milestone for sustainable logistics, as it reduces the demand for fossil fuels and contributes to the circular economy. The project will continue and expand during 2024. “We are aiming to increase the pick-up radius and the volume. On other lanes we are working on direct-rail loadings and standard intermodal solutions”, says Staller.

“We are really proud of this achievement and looking forward to more similar project and milestones in the future”, he adds.

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