"How life unfolds" campaign promotes use of paper

Press Release 13.8.2015 15:00 EEST
We carry it with us every day.
We make memories with it. We package gifts in it. It holds our coffee. We read our stories from it.

And now we are sharing the warmth and creativity that paper and paper-based packaging offers us all through the Paper & Packaging Board – How Life Unfolds™ consumer campaign, launched early July in the US.

The P+PB unites nearly 60 companies in the paper and packaging industry in North America, including UPM, to elevate the use and choice of paper and paper-based packaging.

     ​ How_life_unfolds.JPG
“The campaign launch included wonderful TV ads, magazine print ads, billboard promotions, websites, and more that I am excited to share with our employees. When I viewed them, they made me feel proud of the campaign and the role UPM is playing in it. ”, Jennifer Wilkerson, Manager of Business Development and Marketing for UPM Paper ENA in North America.
Paper and paper-based packaging are instrumental in helping today’s consumers accomplish things big and small. The Paper & Packaging – How Life Unfolds ™ consumer campaign, launched July 8, puts the value of paper and paper-based packaging in perspective through emotionally rich stories that celebrate achievement and connect us in thoughtful and meaningful ways.

How life unfolds pages:

UPM participates in other paper related campaigns as well.

Check these sites to get useful information about paper:

